Join us sundays at 10:45AM

What is a Small Group Bible Study?
All Soldier Creek small group Bible Studies are open groups—this means anyone who would like to attend is welcome.  Members of Soldier Creek seek to lead these discipleship groups well through Bible Study, outreach, worship, and prayer.  The groups meet at different times throughout the week, at different locations.  Some groups are ongoing, while others are offered semesterly.  Each group plans get togethers, men’s or women’s activities, and events for outreach.  Every member of Soldier Creek covenants to be part of a Small Group Bible Study, Worship Gatherings, and Service to the Church. 

Small Group Bible Studies
Miller Group: Study through 1 Peter

McCain, Frantz, Nash Group: Study through Exodus

Orr, Dukes Group: Exodus

Stewart Group: Study through Acts

Wilson Group: Study through Daniel

Children & Youth Small Groups
Babies and Toddlers first floor of the children's building on Sundays and Wednesdays.

2 & 3 Yr. Olds first floor of the children's building.

Beginners (PreK-1st grade) second floor of the children's building, room 207.

Younger Children (2nd-4th grade), second floor of the children's building.

Older Children (5th-6th grade), second floor of the children's building.

Students/Youth (Grades 7-12), meet in the youth ministry building.