10 Challenging Truths
Above all else, we exist for the glory of God and to enjoy him forever. Our lives are not our own; we've been bought with a price—the precious blood of Christ....
Keep ReadingAbove all else, we exist for the glory of God and to enjoy him forever. Our lives are not our own; we've been bought with a price—the precious blood of Christ....
Christmas is supposed to be the season of joy. As believers, we celebrate our hope through Christ, our Savior. For many, however, this time of year can be the hardest. Whether you lost a loved one recently or long ago, the memories triggered by the holidays can bring lingering feelings of loss— that particular ornament, colorful Christmas lights, or even a seasonal family dessert....
We are blessed to live in a country with the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of a constitutional republic. Many have given their lives, and others continue to sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy. Unfortunately, the country's current cultural and political climate is terribly polarized. The cosmic divide stretches from D.C. to our kitchen tables at times. The country has experienced this kind of turmoil before, but it is particularly harsh and delicate. With this in mind, we turn to the Lord and consider the church's role in the coming days and months....
Christ is the ultimate example of a thankful heart amid suffering. Psalm 69 is Messianic in nature and speaks from the personal perspective of our Lord on the cross of Calvary. He cried out, “Save me, O God!...
Jesus provided the church a pathway of worship together through the observance of the Lord’s Supper. Through this experience, the Lord meets with his people and strengthens their faith as they remember his gospel, hold fast the unity of the Spirit, and anticipate his return....
Confession of sin goes against the natural instinct of mankind. Our fallen nature resists the exposure of failure to God and others. Confession of sin is an act of humility, and it is through this action we worship the Lord, turning away from sin. When we confess our sins, we are acknowledging our wrongful thoughts, attitudes, and behavior to the Lord and others....
When Jesus partook in the last supper, he revealed the monumental significance of his death and resurrection. He spoke specifically of the new covenant of his blood. The Jewish people were familiar with the covenants of God. After the flood, the Lord made a covenant with Noah that the earth would never again be destroyed by water and sealed it with a rainbow. God made a covenant with Abraham......
In the Genesis account, Abram exhibited both healthy and unhealthy traits. At times he would show a willingness to obey the Lord against the odds. Other times, Abram feared man more than he feared God. He felt safe when he had a sense of control of the circumstances of life. No doubt, all of us can relate to the highs and lows of his character. ...
How do we know if our congregational worship through music is bringing joy to the Lord? The heart of the issue in worship is the heart. This theme is constant throughout Scripture....
"But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:14-15). The path of temptation is well-trodden. The wake of death sin leaves behind is full of personal devastation and relational trauma. No matter the sin, the process and resulting death remain constant. James is clear the source of temptation lies within the desire of the heart....
When Jesus entered the temple and began driving out the money changers, He was not alone in His anger on the historic occasion. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus spoke from the prophets, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers.” These words were not lost on the chief priests and the scribes. ...
A quick search on ways to ease anxiety will produce common results: focus on what you can control; exercise deep breathing; and practice self-care. While opinions on this subject vary, it is widely accepted genetics, chemistry, trauma, or a combination, are contributing factors to the anxiety many experience today. Our Creator is glorified any time we trust in him through the prayerful treatment of the spirit, mind, and body....
Though there may have been forerunners of the church staff in past ages, the most recent model began in the southern part of the United States. Metropolitan areas around the 1950s that were running a membership of 200 or higher began employing associate pastors out of necessity. As the years progressed and the churches grew larger, additional pastoral positions were added along with training to provide oversight in more specialized departments of ministry: music, youth, children, singles, young adults, discipleship, counseling, seniors, missions, and so on. As pastoral teams increased, support positions were added in order to facilitate the necessary administration that accompanied the growing number of programs churches produced. Between the 1950s and 1990s, these larger churches experienced growth. ...
Steeped in Judaism, Saul miraculously became a spirit-filled follower of Jesus Christ. Later in his ministry, he would write, “If anyone thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless.” What a shock it must have been when he was surrounded by light and questioned, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” He answered, “Who are You, Lord?” This was a man completely devoted to his beliefs, yet he was spiritually dead....
There is great continuity throughout the New Testament concerning baptism. Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." Matthew 28:19, ESV. Taking a broad perspective of the New Testament, let’s take a look at the following......
Above all else, we exist for the glory of God and to enjoy him forever. Our lives are not our own; we've been bought with a price—the precious blood of Christ....
Keep ReadingChristmas is supposed to be the season of joy. As believers, we celebrate our hope through Christ, our Savior. For many, however, this time of year can be the hardest. Whether you lost a loved one recently or long ago, the memories triggered by the holidays can bring lingering feelings of loss— that particular ornament, colorful Christmas lights, or even a seasonal famil...
Keep ReadingChrist is the ultimate example of a thankful heart amid suffering. Psalm 69 is Messianic in nature and speaks from the personal perspective of our Lord on the cross of Calvary. He cried out, “Save me, O God!...
Keep ReadingJesus provided the church a pathway of worship together through the observance of the Lord’s Supper. Through this experience, the Lord meets with his people and strengthens their faith as they remember his gospel, hold fast the unity of the Spirit, and anticipate his return....
Keep ReadingConfession of sin goes against the natural instinct of mankind. Our fallen nature resists the exposure of failure to God and others. Confession of sin is an act of humility, and it is through this action we worship the Lord, turning away from sin. When we confess our sins, we are acknowledging our wrongful thoughts, attitudes, and behavior to the Lord and others....
Keep ReadingWhen Jesus partook in the last supper, he revealed the monumental significance of his death and resurrection. He spoke specifically of the new covenant of his blood. The Jewish people were familiar with the covenants of God. After the flood, the Lord made a covenant with Noah that the earth would never again be destroyed by water and sealed it with a rainbow. God made a co...
Keep ReadingIn the Genesis account, Abram exhibited both healthy and unhealthy traits. At times he would show a willingness to obey the Lord against the odds. Other times, Abram feared man more than he feared God. He felt safe when he had a sense of control of the circumstances of life. No doubt, all of us can relate to the highs and lows of his character. ...
Keep ReadingHow do we know if our congregational worship through music is bringing joy to the Lord? The heart of the issue in worship is the heart. This theme is constant throughout Scripture....
Keep Reading"But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:14-15). The path of temptation is well-trodden. The wake of death sin leaves behind is full of personal devastation and relational trauma. No matter the sin, the process and resul...
Keep ReadingWhen Jesus entered the temple and began driving out the money changers, He was not alone in His anger on the historic occasion. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus spoke from the prophets, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers.” These words were not lost on the chief priests and the scr...
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